
Search in Feed allows you to find not just products, but also vendors and users.

Search Feed Screenshot

Problem Statement

Before the Feed adding social shopping features, users could only search products.

We needed a flow that could do the following:

  1. Find Products
  2. Find Makers (vendors)
  3. Find Users


I sought out other search flows to see how other companies had handled this in the past.

I tried to focus on search flows that handled multiple different types of content.

Some of the platforms reviewed

The main design patterns across several reviewed platforms we incorporated into our flow were:

  1. Dividing between Products, Brands, and Users using tabs so that users can easily access different kinds of search items
  2. Integrating the search bar directly into the top navigation - prior to the redesign, the search bar was in line with the rest of the content in the page. I updated this to match UX standards.
During search, products come first to incentivize checkout.

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